• (074) 936 0640
  • Mon -Tues / Thurs - Sat: 10am to 4pm | Winter Hours 2023

1. When do I stop planting bare root hedging or trees?

Once hedging and trees start to go into leaf, it is time to stop planting bare root hedging and trees. This is because the plant is starting to grow and if you dig it up, this will damage the new roots and possibly kill the plant. A rough guide is that the 31st of March is the last day of bareroot planting. The flipside of this, is that once hedges and trees start to lose leaves, you can start planting bareroot again. October is the month to start planting bare root hedging and trees. Potted trees and hedges can be planted all year round. Any trees or hedges in pots can be planted all year round.

2. What is the best way to kill moss in my lawn?

The main reason there is moss in your lawn is that you have a poor cover of grass. So, in effect a great way to treat moss, is to kill the moss and also to feed the lawn. A three in one product such as Greenforce can kill the moss, feed the lawn and also kill the weeds. There is also Mobacter which is organic and with no need to rake the moss out. The oldest product is Sulphate of Iron, which kills the moss and feeds the grass. Unfortunately, moss is very difficult to keep away due to our climate, especially in the West of Ireland and it is a battle that needs to be fought every Spring.

3. When can I plant vegetables?

Now is the time to be planting all types of vegetables from potatoes through to onion sets. There is no longer a threat of heavy frost and therefore vegetables should be safe.

4. When will bedding plants be available?

There are varieties of bedding plants available now, which have some frost resistance. Now is the month that bedding plant season comes fully into swing as the threat of heavy frost is virtually nil. Don't forget to feed and water them on a regular basis.